核數行業長期人手緊張,「90後」Auditor親述第一手相關內情 | JobsDB HK | SEEK Employer

    2025-02-12 00:08

    身在其位的核數人員也很了解,每當四月稅表出籠,就是他們進入工作高峰期之時。「Peak Season通常持續至十一月,但十一月過後,不代表是從業員的『休漁期』,因港交所規定,香港的上市公司必須在會計年度終結後三個月內,公報業績,而大多數上市公司都以12月31日為年度結算,以致每年一月至 ...

    會計peak season

    入行萬幾蚊人工OT無極限!Big Four工作辛苦但點解爭崩頭? - Jobsdb Hong Kong

    不過,Benny直言會計行內「如果做audit預咗無生活」,每當遇上peak season,每日工時15小時起跳,一周做足7天,還要同時備戰資格試,實屬疲勞轟炸。入行年半的他坦言,未必有耐力捱足考牌所需的3年工作經驗,坦言已有轉行念頭。

    【Big4日與夜】日睡4小時以換前途 審計國度內的兵與卒

    從事會計業的人能夠在peak season期間抽空大快朵頤,算得上是幸運。 (iStock) 錢鍾書的著作《圍城》內有一句說話:「城外的人想衝進去,城裏的人想逃出來」,這原是用來描寫婚姻關係的一句,輾轉下卻成為網絡上形容在Big 4工作的人的一席話。

    Accounting Busy Season - A Comprehensive Survival Guide

    For most tax accountants, the busy season is between January - April because both individual tax returns and business returns are due within this period. Activities such as client consultations, document gathering, tax return preparation and filing, handling IRS inquiries, and managing extensions are common for such accountants.

    審計搵丁 - 傳說中,Audit嘅Peak Season只會維持三個月,一到四月就會完結;... | Facebook

    到最後你每年只會有一個Peak,而一個Peak有十二個月。. 傳說中,Audit嘅Peak Season只會維持三個月,一到四月就會完結; 現實係,下年四月你辭職,個Peak就真係完啦。. 其實一年十二個月,你係可以有十二個Peak: 一月:傳統12月List Com Peak 二月:傳統12月List Com Peak ...

    Audit 仔 Off peak season 係咪冇乜嘢做? - 會計 Accounting - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk ...

    Audit 仔 Off peak season 係咪冇乜嘢做?. #1. 發表於 2023-7-31 16:39. 只看該作者. 大 中 小. 繁 簡. 小弟做咗幾年account今年轉咗做audit.. 做咗兩隻list com, peak 完之後冇咩嘢做係咪正常?. 覺得其實peak 嘅時候都唔係好chur?

    Optimizing Operations: A Guide to Peak Season Success

    The foundation of peak season success lies in proactive planning. Businesses must analyze historical data, market trends, and demand forecasts to anticipate the magnitude and timing of peak periods. A well-thought plan enables businesses to allocate resources effectively, optimize inventory levels, and streamline logistics operations as needed.

    安永旺季實習計畫 EY Peak Season Internship Program

    申請流程. Step1.【註冊帳號】:於安永校園招募系統註冊帳號。. Step2.【履歷建置】:於「履歷管理」填寫個人資料、上傳職缺要求附件,完成個人履歷。. Step3.【投遞職缺】:選擇「安永旺季實習」職缺,點選「我要應徵」即完成投遞。. 可從「應徵進度追蹤 ...

    When is the busy season in accounting? - Envoice

    June 2, 2022. Source: Pexels. There is no such thing as a slow season for the accounting profession. In fact, for many accountants, the busy season is year-round! This is because businesses of all sizes rely on accurate and timely financial statements to make informed decisions.

    Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) - Far East Asia to East Cost South ... - Maersk

    In order to keep providing you with our global services, Maersk is introducing the Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) for 20dry, 40dry, 40hdry & 45hdry containers from Far East countries (excl. Vietnam and Taiwan China) to ECSA effective 16th Nov 23, for Taiwan China to East Coast South America effective 3rd Dec 23, For Vietnam to East Coast South America effective 18th Nov 23.

    A Guide to Peak Season Surcharges. What are they and do they affect me ...

    Peak season surcharges are implemented by most carriers to cover the additional operating expenses stemming from increased holiday season volume. They generally take effect from mid-October to mid-January and vary from one carrier to another. UPS, Purolator, Canpar, and Loomis all implement various peak season surcharges while DHL is the only ...

    絕對不要入行CPA會計師的5個原因 - StealJobs.com 優越工作情報網

    又或當你Peak Season時,會有Partner行出嚟,命令班細嘅要執乾淨枱面先可以收工。 你要知Peak Season時文件多到堆積如山,叫你執枱就等如叫你移走座山。 好啦,等你朝早5點執好後收工,9點幾10點返到公司,請再拎返座山出嚟。

    Peak Season 與轉工潮 - 齊格 | 青年薈文軒

    每年的十一月底、十二月初,當大部份的香港人在計劃及準備聖誕慶祝活動的時候,會計界(準確一點來說,審計界)也在熱烘烘地計劃及準備每年的盛宴-「Peak Season」。 如果是新入行的年青人,總是滿心興奮的期待及迎接人生第一個「Peak Season」。他們在九月底、十月初正式加入職場後,度過 ...

    Twin Peaks season 3 - Wikipedia

    The third season of Twin Peaks, also known as Twin Peaks: The Return and Twin Peaks: A Limited Event Series, consists of 18 episodes and premiered on Showtime on May 21, 2017. Developed and written by creators David Lynch and Mark Frost, with Lynch directing, the season is a continuation of the 1990-1991 ABC series and its 1992 theatrical prequel Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me.

    【職場健康】銀行業趨心臟病年輕化 醫生:業界措施無助改善狀況

    香港金融及會計行業出名工時長,在peak season(高峰季節)時往往工作至零晨,其實倫敦的銀行家亦不遑多讓,工時極長,令健康情況衰退。有當地的心臟病專家指,二十多至三十多歲的倫敦銀行家因心臟病而更頻繁地住院。

    會計師人工有幾多 | Indeed.com 香港

    透過資料搜集及分析,評估會計過程中產生的財務報表是否合理及可信,故審計並不會常常進行,大多是每季一次、或是每年一次,但在 peak season 就會大量 OT,而更進一步會升為審計經理,再升至高級審計經理時,月薪會非常可觀,一般至少都有 5 萬元。

    旺季|peak season|經理人

    如果你想去歐洲玩,最好避開旺季。. Air tickets are much more expensive during high season. 機票在旺季最貴。. 歡迎訂閱《經理人》電子報,每天進步1%,一年強大37倍!. 暑假到了,又是一波旅遊旺季,「旅遊旺季」可以說high season或peak season,peak指「最高點」;其中peak ...

    拚命OT是香港獨有,歐美Big 4講究work-life balance - TNL The News Lens 關鍵評論網

    其次是死線不同。八十後Ivan今年2月調返香港,其觀察是「英國peak season比香港短、死線沒那麼密」。英國主要忙2月,香港忙完大客,緊接就是中小企,所以幾乎年中無休,「11月就開始規劃下年度」。Ivan又補充:「監管環境不同,提交審計報告數量都不同。

    Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) overview | Maersk

    For Peak Season Surcharges related to the Red Sea situation, visit the surcharges page from Far East Asia or the surcharges page for all other locations. The Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) supports Maersk in continuing to meet the needs of our customers. Below is the full list of active rates. It includes details of the relevant trade for various ...

    年青會計師協會: 新人第一個peak season (作者: 沈繼思)

    新人第一個peak season (作者: 沈繼思) ... 例如今年新修訂的會計準則,大男孩亦早有準備,除了財務報表上各項目名稱上的轉變,就算私人企業無需用到的segment reporting,大男孩也能根據最新的要求,與客戶研究得有板有眼。 ...

    【工時長又長】近半會計師每周開工50小時 公會:請新人無用

    1. 做會計工作的時間長已非新鮮事,根據會計師公會作的統計調查,有超過5成受訪者工時超過50小時。. 有意見希望業界可以增加人手,但公會行政總裁丁偉銓指招聘新人未必能解決工作量,相反建議應拓展人工智能技術來處理。. 上班沒下班的日子,在會計師 ...

    香港人:每星期返工100工鐘係好正常 | Lihkg 討論區

    我家姐做會計 peak season 可以一星期160小時 ,連續3個星期喺公司住 的士狗 2024-05-16 19:46:01 渣架 冇百幾個鐘唔好學人係香港返工啦

    Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) - World to Dammam , Saudi Arabia

    In order to keep providing you with our global services, Maersk is Revising the Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) For World (Excluding south Africa) to Dammam, SA for ALL 20, ALL 40, ALL 45 Containers effective 17-Jul-24. The revised tariff amount is detailed as follow: Charge Code - PSS.

    Record-setting Hurricane Beryl's peak winds reach 155 mph, a ... - MSN

    In what may be a "warning shot" for the season ahead, Hurricane Beryl, which formed on Saturday, matured into a monster on Monday with peak winds of 155 mph. That's the earliest that an ...

    Sizzling out? As peak barbecue season begins, fewer Americans are ... - CNN

    As peak barbecue season begins, fewer Americans are buying grills By Erika Tulfo, CNN 6 minute read Published 2:00 PM EDT, Sun June 30, 2024 Link Copied! Follow: ...

    We're in literal hot water this hurricane season | PBS News

    The powerful storm Beryl is acting more like monsters that form in the peak of hurricane season thanks mostly to water temperatures as hot or hotter than the region normally gets in September ...

    Fourth of July travel is set to break records : NPR

    Nearly one in five Americans are set to drive more than 50 miles this Fourth of July travel season, according to an AAA forecast. If you want to beat the traffic, drive early. INRIX, a ...

    Lumber Prices Have Plunged 24% As Peak Home Building Season Falls Flat ...

    Lumber prices have plunged this year as the peak home-building season falls flat amid subdued demand. The essential homebuilding commodity has seen futures pricing plunge 24% from its mid-March ...

    TED: The Economics Daily - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

    Hurricane season affects county employment and wages in the 19 Gulf and Atlantic Coast states. Every third quarter, during peak hurricane season, we update maps and data for hurricane flood zones in these coastal states. In third quarter of 2023, Louisiana, once again, had the largest share of employment located in hurricane flood zones, 30.6 percent. This was followed by Florida (20.5 percent ...

    Shein, Temu are Swamping Airfreight Capacity, Sending Rates Soaring

    Logistics Report; Shein, Temu are Swamping Airfreight Capacity, Sending Rates Soaring The e-commerce shipments out of Asia are squeezing airfreight space, with the sector's peak shipping season ...