Home | School of Accounting and Finance
2025-02-16 22:28PolyU Business School's Accounting Research ranks 39th among UTD Top 100 World Rankings of Business Schools Based on Research Contribution 2019-2023. According to the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) Top 100 Worldwide Business School Research Rankings, which evaluates research contribution to 24 leading business journals, our school's ...
【會計出路】大學會計課程、收分、出路!考取會計牌全攻略 - 尋補・Blog
來源:PolyU網站; 1.6 香港浸會大學工商管理學士 - 會計學專修. 浸會大學開辦的會計課程,雖然較城大和理大遜色,但有與國際院校合作,提供加拿大西門菲莎大學(Simon Fraser University)和波蘭Kozminski University的會計雙學位課程。只需要各自在兩間大學讀兩年課程 ...
Aims and Characteristics - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
With PolyU's credit-based system, students are able to complement their studies by taking subjects in such areas as finance, marketing, logistics, financial services and foreign languages such as Japanese or Korean, to name just a few. Their degrees thus enable them to take advantage of a much broader range of career opportunities.
PolyU MSc in Accounting and Finance Analytics
Programme Aims. The programme aims to provide students with a combination of core knowledge in accounting and finance and skills in applying data analytics and technology to related practices. It facilities practitioners in accounting and finance to keep up with the latest data analytics applications and skills. The programme emphasizes:
PolyU SPEED培育會計學及應用科學專才 獲專業認可 享多元出路 | PolyU SPEED
PolyU SPEED致力開辦高質素的自資榮譽學士學位銜接課程,為有志升學的副學位畢業生,或持續進修人士提供理想的學習機會。. 學院開辦的會計學(榮譽)工商管理學士課程及應用科學(榮譽)理學士組合課程,為業界培育相關專才。. PolyU SPEED除了設立獎學金 ...
Research Overview | School of Accounting and Finance
In addition, many of our staff members are also involved in other major areas of accounting and finance research such as taxation, management accounting, auditing, investment, financial markets, law, and economics. Our School has subscribed an extensive array of databases and computing software to facilitate staff in their research activities.
PolyU School of Accounting & Finance | Hong Kong Hong Kong - Facebook
PolyU School of Accounting & Finance, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 167 likes · 4 talking about this · 1 was here. The School of Accounting and Finance ( AF ) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ( PolyU )...
Master of Finance (Corporate Finance) - FT | School of Accounting and ...
The Master of Finance (MoF) programme at PolyU is proud to be an academic partner with GARP for risk education; The programme is taught by staff from the School of Accounting and Finance, which is accredited by The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) of Hong Kong as a recognised institution for providing continuous professional training. ...
PolyU MSc in Accounting and Finance Analytics
Suitable candidates may be invited for interviews. From late September to April of each year. Please refer to Study@PolyU website for the application deadlines of individual programmes. Apply Now @ eAdmission. The PolyU MSc in Accounting and Finance Analytics programme is designed for graduates to develop a broad understanding of the accounting ...
PolyU Master of / PgD inProfessional Accounting
PolyU provided strong career support, and I am grateful to be selected as one of the mentees in the 'INSPIRE' Mentorship Programme. Connecting with a successful career mentor, who is a partner from a Big Four firm, allowed me to network with the practitioners and gain insights and advice about the accounting industry. Furthermore, regular ...
PolyU and AELIS Couture forge innovative partnership for ... - Benzinga
PolyU partners with the esteemed Paris fashion house AELIS for the Fall/Winter 2024/25 Couture Collection. Created by the legendary haute couture designer Sofia Crociani, the Collection introduces ...
Research Postgraduate Programme | School of Accounting and Finance
Research Postgraduate Programme. The PhD programme at the School for Accounting and Finance at PolyU is a rigorous and structured doctoral programme that trains students to make significant contributions on topics related to accounting and finance. The duration of this programme is typically between 3 to 4 years.
| School of Accounting and Finance - The Hong Kong Polytechnic ...
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Scheme in Accounting and Finance (JS3060) FT. Programme Code: JS3060.
學院及學系 - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
Characteristics. This is a flexible specialist programme providing a progressive and deepening understanding of major accounting issues for accounting practitioners and executives. The focus is on real world-related and contemporary academic studies, and practical applications. Two of the key elements are PRC accounting and the contemporary ...
PolyU Master of Finance (Investment Management) (Full-time)
Programme Aims. The full-time, day-time Master of Finance - Investment Management (FT MoF-MIM) programme aims to provide degree graduates who would like to specialise in investment management, particularly those with no or little work experience, with a combination of solid finance concepts and up-to-date industry know-how. On completion of the ...
Student Organisations | School of Accounting and Finance
PolyU's AF Academy is an exclusive and highly selective programme designed to groom our top students into top-of-the-list graduate candidates. The programme is comprised of a series of workshops conducted by professional trainers to improve the students' employment readiness skills. Through the AF Academy, students will be able to participate ...
PolyU Master of Finance (Corporate Finance)
You have to complete 6 Compulsory Subjects (i.e. 18 credits), 4 Elective Subjects (i.e. 12 credits), and 2 Compulsory Capstone Subjects (i.e. 6 credits). A total of 36 credits are required for the Master of Finance (Corporate Finance) award. Classes are normally scheduled on weekday evenings and/or Saturday afternoons.
Minor Programme in Financial Services and Institutions
On successfully completion of the minor programme in Financial Services and Institutions, the students will be able to: enhance their global outlook through studies on the globalizations of financial services sectors. apply basic economic and financial theories, analyse pricing and features of financial products and examine the operations of ...
PDF The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
Home | Finance Office - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
Our Mission. To provide leadership and operational oversight in financial planning and resources utilization in the University to achieve its mission, strategic focuses and operational objectives. We add value with insightful, timely and precise analysis that supports informed decision making to ensure financial viability and sustainability.
Aims and Characteristics - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
Aims and Characteristics. 课程宗旨及学习成果. 金融服务业为商业机构提供理想的资金流动方式,是现代商业社会举足轻重的行业。. 本课程为学生提供全面的商业教育,在此基础上着重学习与金融服务业有关的学科。. 通过金融及其他有关方面的严格训练,培养学生 ...
Finance Office - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
Previous Financial Reports. 2017/18. 2018/19. 2019/20. 2020/21. 2021/22.
PolyU and AELIS Couture forge innovative partnership for Fall/Winter ...
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is excited to announce its partnership with the esteemed Paris fashion house AELIS Couture (AELIS) for the Fall/Winter 2024/25 Couture Collection that was showcased during the haute couture week in Paris on 27 June 2024. Created by the legendary haute couture designer Sofia Crociani, the Collection introduces sustainable metal-coated textiles ...