Stevenson, Wong & Co. | A dynamic, forward-looking law firm
2024-12-04 01:43Stevenson, Wong & Co. acted as international counsel for the placing agents in the successful issuance of CNY256 million 8.6% bonds due 2026 by Weifang Water Investment Group Co., Ltd.
律師人工 - 法律 Law - 香港討論區 - 香討.香港 No.1
一個30歲嘅律師 月入6萬 正唔正常? 香港討論區 ... NQ: double trainee amt or around 1.5 x trainee amt, so NQ ifirms already 80k-10k I.e. assume u grad around 24 years old -> PQE4ifirm/reputable local firms would exceed 60k by a large margin ...
| The Law Society of Hong Kong
律 師 行; 職 位: 合夥人: 律 師 行 / 公 司 (英 文) tai, tang & chong: 律 師 行 / 公 司 (中 文) 戴鄧莊李律師行: room 302-3, 3/f, china insurance group building, 141 des voeux road central, hong kong: 香港 德輔道中141號中保集團大廈3樓302-3室 電 話: 2523-8141: 傳 真: 2845-2553; 2523-8143: dx 號 碼 ...
【香港律師】Local Firm轉City Firm 機會有幾大? - 優越工作情報網
必須注意: 今時今日,由於競爭激烈,NQ 的interview 很可能有 Written Test,以及competence based questions。 傾15分鐘背景就請人的年代已經遠去。(除非你爸爸是Law Firm的大客) 你可能感興趣: Local firm 律師行老闆最愛做的10件事. 2) Local firm NQ律師如何加入City Firm? 答:
【香港律師】Local Firm轉City Firm 機會有幾大? - 優越工作情報網
必須注意: 今時今日,由於競爭激烈,NQ 的interview 很可能有 Written Test,以及competence based questions。 傾15分鐘背景就請人的年代已經遠去。(除非你爸爸是Law Firm的大客) 你可能感興趣: Local firm 律師行老闆最愛做的10件事. 2) Local firm NQ律師如何加入City Firm? 答:
律師人工 - 法律 Law - 香港討論區 - 香討.香港 No.1
一個30歲嘅律師 月入6萬 正唔正常? 香港討論區 ... NQ: double trainee amt or around 1.5 x trainee amt, so NQ ifirms already 80k-10k I.e. assume u grad around 24 years old -> PQE4ifirm/reputable local firms would exceed 60k by a large margin ...
Stephenson Harwood is a law firm with over 1300 people worldwide, including more than 200 partners. Our people are committed to achieving the goals of our clients - listed and private companies, institutions and individuals.
Deheng Hong Kong - Chungs Lawyers
DeHeng Law Offices (Hong Kong) LLP is an integrated team committed to providing high quality legal advice to clients. We are passionate about achieving clients' business strategies and offering innovative solutions to overcome legal challenges. We have a sharp focus on the most important issues and constantly take time to understand clients ...
NQ即係過咗兩年training 啱啱拎牌做律師. 塵沙惑2020-07-24 17:37:45. 好幸福 retain幾多?. P牌波波球2020-07-24 17:47:04. 聽講全部trainee都留喎. 姜太公八十遇文王2020-07-24 17:55:02. 今年得一半。. P牌波波球2020-07-24 17:59:27. 其他人去邊.
律師職系 Solicitor Grade | CSRADAR
律師職系預計薪酬中位數為$127,873,晉升後可達$240,000,立刻瀏覽最新人工、投考人數、晉升階梯、空缺數目等資訊,讓你掌握職系資訊 (最後更新: 2023-01-25)
Zhong Lun Law Firm 中倫律師事務所 Associate (NQ) 收入
工時合理: "正常日子: 10:00am - 8:00pm 繁忙日子:10:00 am- 11:00pm "- Anonymous 20.3.2019 [Email verified] "正常日子: 10:00am - 5:30pm 繁忙日子:9:00 am- 7:00pm (very rare) "- Anonymous 8.7.2016. 晉升前景: "Depends on department"- Anonymous 20.3.2019 [Email verified] " Trainees大部份都會retain做Associates, 但係近年請多左 ...
原來連登咁多律師 有個問題想亂入問下,如果本身有個測量(QS)既牌,想用CPE+MMU 去試下入PCLL 知唔知有construction background 係呢行既發展會係點樣 利申:身邊無人脈,無人好問 [法律JJ] 今年NQ人工 ...
King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律師事務所 Associate Salary 收入
收入 Income: "NQ 年資 Years of experience:1-3年/ 1-3 Years - Anonymous - 27.8.2019 [Email verified] "NQ 年資 Years of experience:1-3年/ 1-3 Years
香港律師收入. 根據Indeed網站上的有關香港 律師收入 薪酬資料,Solicitor(事務律師)的基本平均月薪約20,000港元,而Counsel(大律師)人工就高很多,平均每月接近70,000萬。. 但值得留意,這兩類律師其實並無等級之分。. 另外,政府的律政司部門亦請了很多律師 ...
Lawyer Jobs in Hong Kong (Updated Daily) | Jobsdb
Legal Compliance Counsel. China Unicom (Hong Kong) Operations Limited. Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Tsim Mong District. $25,000 - $34,999 per month. Generalists - In-house. (Legal) 5-day work, from 9am to 530pm. Performance bonus. Group medical and festival allowances.
本系統僅提供民國38年以後之執業律師資料;但僅領有律師證書且未執業者,不提供查詢。 二、 本系統內律師所屬公會及事務所相關資訊每週五定期更新;律師未於當週星期四前向一般會員之地方律師公會變更資訊者,將於下週五更新上線。
NQ Solicitors - About the Service
About the Service. is a discreet online matching platform that allows Trainee Solicitors and Newly Qualified Solicitors to create an anonymous Candidate Profile which can be matched with private practice law firms who are looking to hire for specific vacancies at NQ - 4 PQE. Candidates can register with the site and create a ...
HOW IT WORKS: Step 1: Spend just five minutes creating a candidate profile by answering a few questions about your academic record, legal experience to date and your specific work preferences. Step 2: Sit back and wait for the platform to match your profile with live vacancies at NQ - 5 PQE. Once we've matched your profile, we'll send you a CV ...
Kennedys Law Salary 肯尼狄律師行收入 - 優越工作情報網
Kennedys Law Salary 肯尼狄律師行收入. "Trainee 年資 Years of experience:0年 / Fresh Grad. 月收入 Monthly Income Salary:1st Year Trainee: HK$35,000; 2nd Year Trainee: HK$40,000; NQ: HK$65,000" - Anonymous - 28.7.2019. "Trainee 1: 月收入 HK $40,000 Trainee 2: 月收入 HK $43,000.
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法律萬事答 為你來解答 ⍣ LawsQA 是一個免費 線上法律諮詢 網站,協助民眾解決各式各樣的法律或訴訟煩惱,如果你也正在煩惱不知該如何解決問題,請務必利用我們的線上法律諮詢服務,讓我們來幫你!立即加 LINE:@lawsqa 洽詢
Deacons 的近律師行收入 • 收入 - 7/10 7/10 • 工時合理 - 8/10 8/10 • 晉升前景 - 7/10 7/10 • 快樂指數 - 7/10 7/10 收入:"NQ: 月收入 $70,000" - Anonymous 16.9.2016"Associate : 月收入 $65,000 NQ1" - Anonymous 9.8.2016"Trainee : 跟market定期review" - Anonymous 1.8.2016"Trainee: 月收入 Around 44k, stick to international scale ...
2021年NQ律師失業圍爐區 ... 09:31. 重有一個月就完青衣合約 腦細講明唔retain (中型ipo firm) 今年個市係咪真係差到咁啊 有冇NQ法律jj ...
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前桃園市長、現任海基會董事長鄭文燦,涉嫌貪污罪,今(6)日凌晨遭聲押禁見,桃園地檢署指出,鄭文燦在職務上有受賄之嫌,且有羈押之必要 ...
Deacons 的近律師行 Associate 收入 - 優越工作情報網
StealJobs全面透露各行各業人工,工時,晉升前景,以及入行攻略,歡迎匿名提供收入資料。 而家仲可以上埋SJ House ==> SJ House,一個網睇晒各區的住宅Rating,快D上來Rate下自己住緊個屋苑啦! Employers who object to or otherwise wish to complain about the above content please contact us via email or press here.