美國FTC盼介入Celsius破產案!CEO喊話重組將專注「託管」業務 | 動區動趨-最具影響力的區塊鏈新聞媒體
2025-02-03 18:02加密借貸平台 Celsius 破產案再有美國監管機構介入調查,美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)已向法院請求批準他們的律師代表 FTC 參與訴訟。而 Celsius 執行長則被揭露正計劃將公司重組成託管公司、尋求浴火重生。 (前情提要:Celsius遭控自2019年就資不抵債!美官員遞假帳報告,打臉執行長Alex Mashinsky ...
Celsius麻煩大!與美國FTC和解要付47億美元,前執行長遭控詐欺、挪用客戶資產 | 動區動趨-最具影響力的區塊鏈新聞媒體
已破產加密貨幣借貸平台 Celsius 及其前執行長 Alex Mashinsky 昨晚被美國多個監管機構起訴(司法部、SEC、CFTC..)。據消息人士透露,為與 FTC 達成和解,Celsius 已同意簽署 47 億美元的和解協議。 (前情提要:Celsius前執行長Alex Mashinsky被捕!SEC、CFTC..監管聯手起訴) (背景補充:Celsius重組審議聽證會8/ ...
美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)對破產公司Celsius Network開罰47億美元,前執行長被捕 | 鏈新聞 ABMedia
破產的加密貸款公司 Celsius Network 被美國聯邦貿易委員會 (FTC) 罰款 47 億美元。不過,這項罰款的實施將被延遲,好讓 Celsius 將其剩餘的資產歸還給破產程序中的消費者。 永久禁止 Celsius 提供加密貨幣服務
加密借貸平台 Celsius 破產案再有美國監管機構介入調查,美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)已向法院請求批準他們的律師代表 FTC 參與訴訟。而 Celsius 執行長 則被揭露正計劃將公司重組 成託管公司、尋求浴火重生。 (前情提要: Celsius遭控自2019年就資不抵債!
Celsius麻煩大!與美國FTC和解要付47億美元,前執行長遭控詐欺、挪用客戶資產 | 動區動趨-最具影響力的區塊鏈新聞媒體
已破產加密貨幣借貸平台 Celsius 及其前執行長 Alex Mashinsky 昨晚被美國多個監管機構起訴(司法部、SEC、CFTC..)。據消息人士透露,為與 FTC 達成和解,Celsius 已同意簽署 47 億美元的和解協議。 (前情提要:Celsius前執行長Alex Mashinsky被捕!SEC、CFTC..監管聯手起訴) (背景補充:Celsius重組審議聽證會8/ ...
加密借貸平台 Celsius 破產案再有美國監管機構介入調查,美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)已向法院請求批準他們的律師代表 FTC 參與訴訟。而 Celsius 執行長 則被揭露正計劃將公司重組 成託管公司、尋求浴火重生。 (前情提要: Celsius遭控自2019年就資不抵債!
美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)對破產公司Celsius Network開罰47億美元,前執行長被捕 | 鏈新聞 ABMedia
破產的加密貸款公司 Celsius Network 被美國聯邦貿易委員會 (FTC) 罰款 47 億美元。不過,這項罰款的實施將被延遲,好讓 Celsius 將其剩餘的資產歸還給破產程序中的消費者。 永久禁止 Celsius 提供加密貨幣服務
Celsius麻煩大!與美國FTC和解要付47億美元,前執行長遭控詐欺、挪用客戶資產 | 動區動趨-最具影響力的區塊鏈新聞媒體
已破產加密貨幣借貸平台 Celsius 及其前執行長 Alex Mashinsky 昨晚被美國多個監管機構起訴(司法部、SEC、CFTC..)。據消息人士透露,為與 FTC 達成和解,Celsius 已同意簽署 47 億美元的和解協議。 (前情提要:Celsius前執行長Alex Mashinsky被捕!SEC、CFTC..監管聯手起訴) (背景補充:Celsius重組審議聽證會8/ ...
美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)對破產公司Celsius Network開罰47億美元,前執行長被捕 | 鏈新聞 ABMedia
罰款暫緩,要先還錢給用戶. 破產的加密貸款公司 Celsius Network 被美國聯邦貿易委員會 (FTC) 罰款 47 億美元。不過,這項罰款的實施將被延遲,好讓 Celsius 將其剩餘的資產歸還給破產程序中的消費者。
加密借貸平台 Celsius 破產案再有美國監管機構介入調查,美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)已向法院請求批準他們的律師代表 FTC 參與訴訟。而 Celsius 執行長 則被揭露正計劃將公司重組 成託管公司、尋求浴火重生。 (前情提要: Celsius遭控自2019年就資不抵債!
Cases and Proceedings | Federal Trade Commission
Cases and Proceedings. Adjudicative Proceedings. Kroger Company/Albertsons Companies, Inc., In the Matter of. The Federal Trade Commission sued to block the largest proposed supermarket merger in U.S. history—Kroger Company's $24.6 billion acquisition of the Albertsons Companies, Inc.—alleging that the deal is anticompetitive.
Ftx申請破產重組!80億美元資金缺口難補 創辦人sbf籲用戶:別再把錢存進帳戶 - 今周刊
FTX破產重組難補80億美元缺口 創辦人SBF籲:別再把錢存進帳戶. FTX周五(11日)發出最新聲明,公司已根據美國《破產法》第11章(Chapter 11 of the Bankrupty Code)進入破產重組程序;至於神隱多時的FTX關鍵人物——創辦人SBF則辭去執行長職位,由曾負責監督安隆公司 ...
Protect your community by reporting fraud, scams, and bad business practices
FTC 起訴破產加密公司 Voyager 的 CEO,涉嫌虛假 FDIC 保險索賠
Careers at the FTC | Federal Trade Commission
A career at the FTC can provide exceptional opportunities to obtain excellent training, development, and professional growth. We value, and seek to promote and support the diversity of our communities. We strive for, and generally attain, a healthy work/life balance through family friendly alternative work schedules and telecommuting opportunities.
How to Report Fraud at ReportFraud.ftc.gov | Consumer Advice
Downloads. This video shows you how to report scams, fraud, and bad business practices to the Federal Trade Commission at https://ReportFraud.ftc.gov and why it's important to do it. Tags. fraud. report. scam. Return to top. The official website of the Federal Trade Commission, protecting America's consumers for over 100 years.
Scams | Consumer Advice - Federal Trade Commission
April 8, 2024. If a call sounds like your boss (asking for bank account numbers) or your family member (begging for help in an emergency), you're more likely to act. That's why scammers use voice cloning to make their requests for money or information more believable. And the FTC is fighting back. Consumer Alert.
Commissioners and Staff | Federal Trade Commission
Commissioners and Staff. The Commission is headed by five Commissioners, nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, each serving a seven-year term. No more than three Commissioners can be of the same political party. The President chooses one Commissioner to act as Chair. FTC employees will never demand money, make threats, tell ...
Federal Trade Commission - Wikipedia
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is an independent agency of the United States government whose principal mission is the enforcement of civil (non-criminal) antitrust law and the promotion of consumer protection.The FTC shares jurisdiction over federal civil antitrust law enforcement with the Department of Justice Antitrust Division.The agency is headquartered in the Federal Trade Commission ...
Celsius 前僱員揭秘:吸儲 118 億加密貨幣巨頭的破產原因 | 動區動趨-最具影響力的區塊鏈新聞媒體
在 Celsius 申請破產之前,他們的問題似乎已經醞釀了多年。根據前員工和CNBC審查的內部文件,這家公司出現了一系列內部失誤,導致了最近的動盪。多名員工描繪了一幅冒險、無序和涉嫌操縱市場的畫面本文源自於 CNBC 調查報導,由動區專欄作者 Wu Blockchain 整理、編譯和撰稿。 (前情提要:Chainge ...
Federal Trade Commission (FTC): What It Is and What It Does - Investopedia
Federal Trade Commission - FTC: The Federal Trade Commission is an independent agency that aims to protect consumers and ensure a strong competitive market by enforcing consumer protection and ...
Office of Inspector General | Federal Trade Commission OIG
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Office of Inspector General (OIG) is an independent organization within the FTC established in 1989, pursuant to amendments to the Inspector General Act of 1978 (IG Act). The OIG's mission is to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse, as well as promote efficiency and effectiveness in FTC programs and ...
Premerger Notification Program | Federal Trade Commission
Premerger Notification Program. The Hart-Scott-Rodino Act established the federal premerger notification program, which provides the FTC and the Department of Justice with information about large mergers and acquisitions before they occur. The parties to certain proposed transactions must submit premerger notification to the FTC and DOJ.
剛破產又出現瑕疵 Fisker將召回美歐1.2萬輛電動車 - 自由財經
美國電動車新創公司Fisker因長年飽受虧損於6月17日申請破產保護。(歐新社) 吳孟峰/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕曾被譽為「汽車界的蘋果」、「特斯拉殺手」的美國電動車新創Fisker,近年飽受虧損及現金短缺所苦,於6月17日正式申請破產,沒想到禍不單行,近日又因汽車零件故障,宣布在 ...
FTC, NY Attorney General to Host 'Debt Collection Dialogue'
The FTC and the Office of the New York State Attorney General will host a "Debt Collection Dialogue," aimed to be a conversation between government and business regarding consumer protection issues within the debt collection industry, in Buffalo, NY, on June 15. FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection Director Jessica Rich and New York State ...
近年屢傳財困、前高銀金融主席潘蘇通,2022年因其全資持有的Silver Starlight Limited(下稱「公司」)未有清還80億元貸款,被高院原訟庭頒令破產,公司亦遭下令清盤。早前潘就破產令及清盤令,及原訟庭拒絕他要求押後審理破產案的決定申請上訴。上訴庭昨日頒判詞,認為原審法官沒有犯錯,一併 ...
FTC Event Web : New York - Excelsior Region
Corning, NY, USA. 2/11/24. USNYEXCMP. New York-Excelsior MVCC Utica Championship. Utica, NY, USA. 3/3/24. Official region info for New York - Excelsior region.
謝國樑剉咧等!罷免連署逾4萬份 基隆人施政反應「公子哥亂花錢」
公民團體「山海公民拆樑行動」發起罷免基隆市長謝國樑,已經收到破4萬份連署書,遠遠超過第二階段至少需3萬792人連署,不過連署行動仍未停止 ...
FTC and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to Host Dialogue ...
The Federal Trade Commission works for consumers to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices and to provide information to help spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint in English or Spanish, visit the FTC's online Complaint Assistant or call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357). The FTC enters complaints into Consumer ...
Commissioners | Federal Trade Commission
The Commission is headed by five Commissioners, nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, each serving a seven-year term. No more than three Commissioners can be of the same political party. The President chooses one Commissioner to act as Chair. Former Chairmen, Chairwomen and Commissioners.
Regional Offices | Federal Trade Commission
Since 1918, regional offices have played an integral role in fulfilling the FTC's consumer protection and competition missions. Currently, eight regional offices covering seven geographic regions conduct investigations and litigation; provide local outreach to consumers and industry; and build partnerships with local, state, regional, and cross-border law enforcement authorities.