【何謂Com Sec?】2024年公司秘書入行方法同就業前景 | Toby
2024-12-04 01:02甚麼是公司秘書?. 純粹聽「公司秘書」或「Com Sec」,比較難去聯想到實質的工作內容是甚麼,但若看看相關課程的名字的話相信會比較清楚,大多相關課程的名稱都為「Corporate Governance」,即是公司治理。. 公司秘書其實是一個十分重要的職業,更是一個法定 ...
Com Sec牌對於喺CPA Firm裡邊做Com Sec工作嘅朋友嚟講冇咁重要,要Cert文件的話,公司大大個Practicing CPA喺到,唔洗Com Sec Cert文件都得。 做到Manager都可以冇牌(不過有冇牌與工作能力一直都唔係掛勾)。
「公司秘書 Company Secretary」 係秘書?唔好再搞錯 - StealJobs.com 優越工作情報網
筆者眼見公司秘書(Company Secretary/Com Sec)係一個無乜人認識的行業。係呢個行業打滾咗一段日子,想寫呢篇文藉此消除部分人對呢一行嘅誤解。 什麼是公司秘書? 一般人聽到你話你係做公司秘書嘅時候,普遍嘅反應係:「即係做秘書? ... Law Firm(律師 ...
【秘書唔易做】Com Sec名物——「變態阿姐」是怎樣煉成的?
編按:Company Secretary(公司秘書,簡稱Com Sec)與私人秘書一職不同,它是屬於合法合規(Legal & Compliance)範疇,簡單地說,公司秘書的工作是照顧一間公司的「生老病死」。. 何謂「變態阿姐」?. 對於變態嘅定義,有人可能係妹仔肚——少少刺激都頂唔順,有人 ...
FI專欄|究竟你當Com Sec係一份工,還是係一個Career?從CG槪念講起|嘶憶
」 「Com Sec好似識得唔多嘢,究竟呢行做得長唔長?」 如果你有以上思維,你好有可能只係當Com Sec係一份工嚟看待,而唔係一個Career。咁究竟除咗Annual Return、AGM、安排董事簽名、整文件、File嘢去CR、聯交所等等之外,我哋Com Sec仲識啲咩嘢呢?
FI專欄|10個關於公司秘書Com Sec的小知識|嘶憶 | Fortune Insight | LINE TODAY
Com Sec牌對於喺CPA Firm裡邊做Com Sec工作嘅朋友嚟講冇咁重要,要Cert文件的話,公司大大個Practicing CPA喺到,唔洗Com Sec Cert文件都得。. 做到Manager都可以冇牌 (不過有冇牌與工作能力一直都唔係掛勾)。. 5. 醫生、律師、會計師個性較鮮明,公司秘書雖則都有牌考,但 ...
FI專欄|公司秘書Com Sec牌值唔值得會計師CPA投資?|嘶憶
今日講下考唔考Com Sec牌呢個題目。究竟Com Sec牌值唔值得投資?CPA/Corp Fin人應唔應該考? 「城外的人想衝進去,城裡的人想逃出來。」 有公司秘書Com Sec牌的公司秘書同業,唔多唔少都會質疑自己嘅價值。 「讀嘅嘢同都嘅嘢都唔相稱,Named Com Sec都係律師或者CPA擔正居多,我哋好似冇乜用咁。」 考完 ...
3. 離岸公司 (Offshore Company/Offshore) 在香港專責Offshore工作的Com Sec朋友,相對較前述兩者少。若要專修Offshore的話,到跨國律師樓工作相對較好。
想入行做公司秘書Com Sec?這6個方法幫到你|卡比|Fortune Insight
認清楚目標,之後先去做。. 有時候,有啲朋友搵我傾計,問我有關Com Sec入行資訊,傾傾吓,我哋會變咗傾第二樣嘢,咁好明顯其實佢自己都未太清楚自己想要乜。. 我覺得最好嘅方法係寫低一堆你腦裡面有嘅問題,對症下藥咁搵答案;問題可以係 Com Sec 呢一 ...
【10個關於公司秘書Com Sec的小知識】 - 嘶憶/SzeYik - Medium
寫番一篇短文介紹下Com Sec。 ... (律師、Auditor、ESG Consultant、PR Firm、BVI Registered Agent等等)幫手做嘢,邊一行嘅Agency都係類似運作模式,一理通百理明。
Company secretary前景多面睇 | Indeed.com 香港
律師行; 金融公司; 銀行公司; 保險公司; 私人公司; 離岸公司; 上市公司; Company secretary 都有牌考? Company secretary 的工作屬於企業管治和合規的專業範疇,他們必須為公司把關,向董事局提供意見,確保營運過程沒有違反法例。
【點解塵世間嘅人類唔了解Com Sec為何物?】 - Medium
因為Com Sec屬於Legal and Compliance範疇,最了解Com Sec行業嘅人,非律師莫屬。 而對呢個行業一知半解嘅人,有唔同反應: 會計部同事:Agreement我哋唔 ...
Supreme Court Rejects S.E.C.'s Tribunals, Curbing Regulatory Agencies ...
Common in executive agencies, such tribunals hear enforcement actions without juries — a practice the court's conservative supermajority said violated the Constitution.
公司秘書實務課程 (Practical Company Secretarial Practice)
很多公司把前面的工作交給收費的公司秘書,如會計師行或律師來做。 上巿公司的公司秘書就必須是(香港秘書公會)成員才可擔當,但一般中小企公司的秘書就沒有這個要求,但其所需的知識也不容小覷,本課程以香港《公司條例》(第622章)為基礎,配合 ...
Liberal Justice Sotomayor bemoans 'dismantling' of federal agency power ...
The SEC has long used in-house proceedings presided over by administrative law judges. The agency can also sue in federal court. The agency can also sue in federal court. In both sets of ...
Supreme Court strips SEC of key enforcement power to penalize fraud
The court ruled 6-3 against the SEC in the case, finding that the Seventh Amendment entitles a defendant to a jury trial. The court split along ideological lines, with Chief Justice John Roberts ...
Supreme Court strips SEC of enforcement tool in fraud cases | AP News
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Thursday stripped the Securities and Exchange Commission of a major tool in fighting securities fraud in a decision that also could have far-reaching effects on other regulatory agencies. The justices ruled in a 6-3 vote that people accused of fraud by the SEC, which regulates securities markets, have the right to a jury trial in federal court.
FI專欄|點解Com Sec公司秘書行業咁少人做?做Pro Firm Com Sec其實「唔係做梗Com Sec」?|嘶憶
Com Sec公司秘書就好似「百慕達三角」咁「神秘」,經過咗咁多年,都仲有一班人認為只係老細身邊的「大腿私人秘書」。咁如果真係咁,呢篇文我就唔洗寫啦,哈哈。 投身Com Sec行業,一係做In-house,一係就做Pro Firm/Law Firm/CPA Firm(亦即係所謂的Vendor。為方便討論,下文概以「Pro Firm」或「Vendor」專稱 ...
Justices limit major SEC tool to penalize fraud - SCOTUSblog
Jarkesy that the SEC cannot continue to handle this cases in house without a jury. The decision will have a far-reaching impact on dozens of federal administrative agencies that use similar processes. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, joined by Justices Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson, dissented. Reading from the bench on Thursday, Sotomayor ...
Binance must face bulk of US SEC crypto lawsuit, judge rules
A federal judge ruled late Friday that the majority of a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, can proceed.
我曾經很討厭別人說「廢話」。. "【那位不懂Com Sec實務的主管教曉我的二三事】〈三〉" is published by 嘶憶 in 我係公司秘書 (Thou Shalt Call Me Company ...
點解塵世間嘅人類 唔了解Com Sec為何物?|StealJobs.com
對外,Com Sec接觸得最多嘅係外騁律師、Auditor、Offshore Company Agent、Financial Printer、Retail Banking(客戶為普通市民及中小企)或Commercial Banking(客戶為大型私人公司/上市公司) 銀行職員。 因為Com Sec屬於Legal and Compliance範疇,最了解Com Sec行業嘅人,非律師莫屬。
Crypto-Friendly Silvergate Bank Pays $63M to Settle Charges With SEC ...
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sued Silvergate Capital Corporation, the parent company to crypto-friendly Silvergate Bank, former CEO Alan Lane, former COO Kathleen Fraher and ...
上海曼昆律师事务所成立于2015年,是中国首家专注新经济、深耕区块链行业的精品律师事务所。 曼昆团队善于从商业模式和法律实务的角度,为Web3、区块链、NFT、数字藏品、元宇宙等新经济企业提供商业架构设计、项目投融资、交易筹划、经营合规、复杂民商事争议解决、涉刑风险防控及刑事辩护 ...
Supreme Court Strips SEC of Enforcement Power Against Financial Fraud ...
The Supreme Court stripped out some of the SEC's financial-fraud enforcement powers. It ruled that defendants in those cases have a right to a jury trial. Critics say the court is seizing power ...
FI專欄|FAQ:點解會計師CPA要考「Com Sec牌」?(一)|嘶憶
一切由兩年前講起。話說,喺2021年時,HKCGI(「The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute」或「香港公司治理公會」,下稱「HKCGI」)早著先機,推出Fast Track Professional「搶人才」計劃,吸引持牌會計師和律師考Com Sec牌,從此江湖就多事了。 呢個牌對於會計師嚟講吸引過律師。我身邊都認識幾位成功申請Fast ...
In SEC v. Jarkesy, Supreme Court strikes serious blow against the ...
In a potentially groundbreaking decision, the Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that defendants accused of fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission have the right to a jury trial.. Why it matters: The decision in SEC v.Jarkesy deals a serious blow to the administrative state, part of a yearslong project by the financial sector and conservatives to weaken federal power.
Supreme Court lets a truck stop sue the Federal Reserve in latest ... - CNN
The Supreme Court on Monday revived a lawsuit by a North Dakota truck stop that is challenging the fees banks can charge for debit-card transactions in a ruling that could have deeper implications ...
LBRY訴訟攻防|法官質問SEC:我發幣,強調不做事不開發,還算證券嗎? | 鏈新聞 ABMedia
但 sec 律師未能給出確切解答,表示他並非政策制定者,僅能依照現有法規行事。 誰贏誰輸還難說 全案仍未結,而 LBRY 在官方 推特 大多強調了訴訟過程中對自己較有利的一面,但 Delphi Labs 總法律顧問 Gabriel Shapiro 認為 SEC 勝出的可能性更高:
【公司秘書Com Sec即係秘書?其實Com Sec 係…】 - Medium
筆者眼見公司秘書(Company Secretary/Com Sec)係一個無乜人認識的行業。係呢個行業打滾咗一段日子,想寫呢篇文藉此消除部分人對呢一行嘅誤解。